From the Director's Desk

At Tiny Tots Public Schools, Sultanpur, we believe in creating an environment where every child feels that she/he is seen, known and heard. Children learn the best when they feel valued. Our whole approach is child-centric where each day unfolds excitement, purpose and motivation. We are a school where diversity in ability, talent and thought is celebrated so that children discover, grow and build on their individual strengths. Our motto- We Learn to Serve aims at nurturing good values in children so that they become responsible citizens with an abiding belief in honesty and integrity. I will conclude my message with a quote which resonates with our philosophy of education. “All that man has to do is to take care of three things- good thought, good word, good deed.” Swami Vivekananda.

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”

Anjali Srivastava
Director Tiny Tots Public School


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